Thursday October 20, 2016 #839

“In the deepest sense of the word, a friend is someone who sees more potential in you than you see in yourself, someone who helps you become the best version of yourself.”

~Sheryl Sandberg


We all need to be reminded from time to time that we are never as good nor as bad as we think we are.  I hope you have someone in your life, as I do, who plays the role of objective yet compassionate observer ready to step in and throttle you when you need it.  We need that person who ensures we don’t get overconfident or boastful, and who also never allows us to wallow in fear or self-pity.  This is a true friend.
Reflect on who that person is in your life and take the time to thank them for helping you be the best you can be.  And, reflect on who you are helping in that same way.  It is a responsibility we all share to help each other be better than we would be on our own.  Spend more of your time in this endeavor and none in tearing others down.