Wednesday January 24, 2018 #937
“Inspiration may be a form of super consciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness—I wouldn’t know. But I am sure it is the antithesis of self-consciousness.”
~Aaron Copeland
Inspiration is a critical ingredient, if not the critical ingredient to our ability to push forward through obstacles to achieve our goals and serve our families, communities and organizations. But when bereft of inspiration for any period of time, momentary or long-term, where do we find it?
Today’s quote asks us to remove self-consciousness from our lives if we hope to be inspired. If self-conscious, how can we take risks or believe we can do something that an inspiring person has achieved?
The starting point for utilizing inspiration is to be curious and open to finding it – in people, in our surroundings, in our circumstances, or in ourselves. And the final ingredient is to believe we are worthy, and have the potential to achieve. Self-consciousness must be intentionally removed to allow this belief to take root and allow our inspiration to carry us forward to achievement.
Be open and curious to find inspiration. Remove self-consciousness to be able to utilize it.