Thursday April 3, 2014 #615
“If we only wanted to be happy, this would soon be done. But we want to be happier than others and that is almost always difficult, because we see them happier than they actually are.”
~Charles de Montesquieu
The path to sustainable joy and moments of intense happiness stem from our ability to realize with gratitude all that we are fortunate to have in this life. Unfortunately, our human tendency is to compare ourselves and what we have with others – particularly our perception of others’ happiness. Too often our lens is one of scarcity rather than abundance and we subconsciously or even consciously covet others’ possessions, relationships, and perceived happiness. We must fight this human tendency by consciously recognizing our own gifts and realizing everyone has their own challenges and limitations. Focus less on comparisons and more on gratitude. Decide to be happy and you’ll likely find your way there.