Tuesday December 23, 2014 #689
“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
~Brian Tracy
You are likely thinking about the year you’ve experienced in 2014 as well as your plans and hopes for next year and the years ahead. If 2014 has been a year you are proud of, chances are you have leapt outside your normal activities and taken risks, tested your capabilities, or challenged yourself in some way. If not, then you probably played it safe and lived a year of unnecessary mediocrity. Your challenge: determine what you must do to challenge your status quo and jump out beyond your comfort zone and do those things you really want to do but have been either afraid to try, or set your own limitations. Yes it will be uncomfortable, and yes you may fail – but without pushing yourself you’ll never know what you can really do and become.