Tuesday October 23, 2012 #465


“There is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens.”


~Ralph Waldo Emerson


This is a tough one for me to write.  It is my first JAM I’ve written since my Dad’s passing last week.  He was a great collector of quotes (now you know where I get it from!) and I went to his list and chose today’s message.  I could write for days as to what this man has meant to me and my development as a person and a leader.  I will instead keep this short and just tell you that I truly loved my dad and will miss him terribly.  However, as Emerson brilliantly stated, every end is a beginning – even a life.  I will move through my grief and continue my quest to be a positive force, seeking to be contagious in offering hope, encouragement, and love to a world that needs it.  My dad would expect that from me.  And I will not let him down.


Thank you to all who have offered their condolences and kind thoughts to me and my family.  It is truly appreciated.


Good-bye Dad