Tuesday February 24, 2009 #98
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
~Walt Disney
There is something undone on your list of to-do’s or a goal that you have wanted to achieve. You have thought a lot about it. You have talked to your family or friends about it and the positive changes that will come when you get it done. Stop thinking about it. Quit talking about it. Do something about it and take action. Now.
Since reading this email, I did three things I had been ‘planning’ to do! This simple message offered the suggestion of “why not do it NOW?”
Making a meeting time with oneself to address the things that ‘should’ get done but do not seem to even get started is a helpful way to take action. Another tip is to divide each task into bite size segments help to accomplish step by step instead of putting the whole thing off.
now on to a few of the next things on my list. . . .
Thanks for the comment, Linda, and your simple tips are good suggestions which I will share with my JAMmers on an upcoming JAM!