Tuesday March 30, 2010 #207
“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”
~Henri Bergson
We’re finishing up the first quarter of 2010 and I want to encourage you to celebrate the progress you’ve made so far this year on one or more of your goals. It doesn’t matter how small that progress is – celebrate the positive change. You are changing every day – the direction of that change is up to you. By celebrating the positive changes so far this year, you will be helping create more positive and less negative change.
It always is good to reflect on what you have done with the year so it doesn’t seem like it went by to fast. Its even better when you realize that you have completed something wonderful! Celebrate everyday because you can look towards tomorrow with a smile.
Great comment Virginia. A little pause to reflect on what we have done and learned can help us enjoy the moment and determine our best next steps toward our amazing future.
hmm,could this differentiate the mature from the old? 🙂