A bias for action

Thursday February 4, 2010 #192 “Develop a bias for action, a sense of urgency, to get things done.” ~Brian Tracy The successful, the powerful, the happy people among us all have one thing in common:  A bias for action.  Contemplation, consideration,...

Reflecting on failure

Thursday January 28, 2010 #190 “Success is the ability to go from a failure to another trial with no loss of enthusiasm.” ~Winston S. Churchill Thank you to JAMmer MS for sharing today’s quote which reminds us that failure is just a by-product of the efforts toward...

Our greatest teacher

Tuesday January 12, 2010 #185 “Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game”. ~Babe Ruth New JAMmer SM shares today’s quote and reminds us that failure only exists when no attempt is made to succeed.  When honest effort is made,...

Multiply your potential

Thursday December 31, 2009 #182 “Be fanatics. When it comes to being and doing and dreaming the best, be maniacs.” ~A.M. Rosenthal As I look forward to 2010, I resolve to approach my goals with maniacal passion and intention.  I believe this coming year has the...

Witness the magic

Tuesday November 10, 2009 #171 “It is literally true that you can succeed best and fastest by helping others succeed.” ~Napoleon Hill This quote has never been more true than today.  In today’s world of instant communication and social networking, the...

Ready for Adventure

Tuesday October 6, 2009 #161 “The adventure you are ready for is the one you’ll get.” ~Joseph Campbell Frequent contributor MD provided today’s quote, which Jeff Probst used during his recent Emmy acceptance speech.  The quote resonates for us as we...