by Mike Osorio | Apr 30, 2011 | intention
Thursday October 7, 2010 #261 “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time for that is the stuff life is made of.” ~Benjamin Franklin While a little mindless activity is sometimes warranted, remember that all time spent without intention is lost time. If you do...
by Mike Osorio | Apr 29, 2011 | intention, Take Action
Thursday September 23, 2010 #257 “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” ~John Wooden Life happens… Some circumstances and results you can control and you must actively decide whether to exercise your power or not. If you...
by Mike Osorio | Apr 29, 2011 | intention
Tuesday September 21, 2010 #256 “Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist, but in the ability to start over.” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald There are times when persistence in the face of clear futility is foolish. Progress often stems from the ability to discern...
by Mike Osorio | Apr 25, 2011 | intention
Tuesday September 7, 2010 #252 “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” ~Harvey Fierstein JAMmer AE posted this quote today on Facebook. So many allow...
by Mike Osorio | Apr 24, 2011 | intention, Take Action
Tuesday August 31, 2010 #250 “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ~Jim Rohn One of the first things to consider when assessing your satisfaction with your life is your circle of influencers. Think about the handful of...
by Mike Osorio | Apr 24, 2011 | intention, Take Action
Thursday August 26, 2010 #249 “An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.” ~Buddha Regular readers will recognize this as my favorite topic – the need to do more than dream, read, ponder, and...